Gorey & North Wexford Website.
Courtown grass track Racing
The Irish Motorcycle Club in association with North Wexford Tourism will run it’s annual Grasstrack Races in Courtown. Apart from a break last year, this has been an annual event in Courtown since 1981 and the amount of support it draws each year shows it is very popular with riders and spectators alike.
The event is being run by the Wexford Off Road Motorcycle Club who are the successors of the Irish Motorcycle Club. The venue will be the usual one at Courtown. Directions: Turn right after crossing the flat bridge on the approach to Courtown from Gorey, the venue is then approx 1km along that road.
All enquiries should be directed to: Shea Furlong 087 - 7723 726
Gorey Three Day Cycle Race
The biggest cycle event in Leinster comes to Gorey every Easter for a three day cycle race. On Saturday the race arrives in Gorey, there are time trials on Sunday, before racing back to Dublin on the bank-holiday Monday. The town is a mass of colour as hundreds of riders battle it out for the Yellow Jersey - sponsored by North Wexford Tourism.
Contact : Sam D'arcy, Irish Road Club 053-9480713
Sea Sunday & RNLI Raft Race
A great family day out in Courtown Harbour. The blessing of the boats is followed by the Annual Fund-Raising "Raft Race" The Courtown RNLI,North Pier is open all day from 10am. An event not to be missed, to enter or further details contact Aine on 087-2871670 or check out their Website on www.Courtownrnli.com
Gorey little Theatre
Gorey Little Theatre have fantastic shows on for all the family. Shows are advertised locally, check out local newspapers “The Gorey Echo” & “The Gorey Guardian” for more information. Contact:
Box Office 053 - 942 1474
Web: www.GoreyTheatre.com
Kavanagh Clan Gathering
Venue: The Carlton Millrace Hotel, Bunclody, Co. Wexford, Ireland
Date: 12 – 16 September 2012
Gorey Garden Festival
For further details check out local press nearer to the date.
Samba Soccer School
Running in Gorey RFC. To book call 1890-702237. Suitable for kids aged 4 to 13 years.
The Harrow Harvest Festival August
Fun and laughter for all the family at this one day event. In Its Forth year this year's event promises to be bigger and brighter. Many attractions to suit all the family, display of vintage machines and the highlight of the day is the old art of trashing. Traditional calcannon served also barbecue food available.
Come and join in the fun . All money raised in aid of a Wexford Charity.
Contact: Bernie Murphy 053 - 923 3548
Some other premier county festivals to remember…..
for further details on festivals and events in County Wexford check out www.WexfordTourism.com
The courthouse
The Courthouse in Tinahely opened it's doors as a Arts,Culture and heritage centre in 1996. It's open all year round with exibitions,foreign cinema, theatre and music. Check out website for events calander.
0402 38529
Tinahely Agricultural Show Society
Tinahely Agricultural Show
The Wicklow County Show, Tinahely Agricultural Show, is held at Fairwood Park, Tinahely. Co. Wicklow each August Bank Holiday Monday,.
Surrounded by rolling hillside overlooking the famous Tomnafinogue Oak Wood, and adjacent to the old Coolattin Estate now Coolattin Golf Club and some of the most beautiful agricultural land.
On Show day, Fairwood Park showgrounds are open from 8 a.m, car park is free, children are free and all facilities are provided.
Competition include two All Ireland finals and over 300 classes. The full list of classes are available in the show Schedule which can be got from the Secretary, free of charge. Written entries for the Show Competitions must be in by the 15th July in most cases. The Horse and Pony Show jumping arenas have their own programme of competitions, these are entered on the day beside the rings. Unregistered Pony Show jumping takes place in the afternoon, again entries taken on the day.
A variety of events take place during the day, with something to suit everybody. These include surprise entertainments, the Craft village, Trade Stands Exhibitions (the latest for living, past and present), Displays and numerous Demonstrations. The food hall is perhaps one of the most popular Exhibitions of the Show. Come and taste and buy the latest to keep hunger at bay.
Talent and other Contests - Best Dressed etc. may be entered on the day. Relax and enjoy the live music and dance, sit down and have a break and soak in the atmosphere.
We provide a “Kiddies Corner”, a safe haven for children, with entertainment, situated away from the livestock and traffic.
Entries for Horse Showing Jumping, registered & unregistered Pony Show Jumping, Dog Show and Pets Corner are taken on the day by the ring where the competition takes place.
Join us, there is so much to be seen. Bring your family and enjoy an ace day out.
Information Centre available for your convenience all day. Situated centrally, on the main roadway in Fairwood park.
To avoid disappointment, Trade Stands Exhibitors should be Early.
Contact : Secretary. Tel: (0402) 34922. Fax: (0402) 34923
or Joyce Kearney. Tel (0402) 34708 Fax: (0402) 34708
E.Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Enniscorthy Greyhound Racing :
Twice Weekly - Monday and Thursday at 8pm.
Show Grounds,
Co. Wexford.
Tel:(053) 9233172
(053) 9233783
Please see the Local Newspaper for futher Events and Festivals.